League Transactions
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Matthew Hall - K.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Sherwood Kang - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released James Miller - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Timothy Hess - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Robert Williams - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Fredrick Greer - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Gino Schreiner - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released James Caswell - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Joseph Floyd - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Daniel Washington - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Francisco Nye - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Paul Hall - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Jason Chesser - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Paul Thompson - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Richard Campbell - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Sean Schoonover - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released James Blalock - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Joseph Jolly - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Jesse Whitmore - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Kenneth Guillory - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Clarence Harry - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Joseph Fortin - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Myron Peeler - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Columbus Abbott - P.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Edwin Compton - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Brandon Cloutier - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Benny Pressley - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Neal Lucero - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Louis Hardaway - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Jason Peeples - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Brenton Fabian - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Allen Royer - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Wendell Farmer - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Gary Ransom - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Donald Judd - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Daniel Tejada - FB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Michael Chacon - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released James Dunn - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Donald Mercer - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Stephen Meier - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The San Jose Sabercats have released Eric Bell - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Allan Styles - P.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Fernando Newman - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Edgardo Watson - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Lonnie Wilber - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Christopher Judd - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released George Michel - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Paul Connors - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Roger Heflin - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Jimmy Null - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Dominique Robinson - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released John Mobley - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Walter Wright - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Mark Melton - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Christopher Driscoll - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released James Rousseau - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Kevin Davenport - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Henry McAdams - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Odis Hall - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Arthur Fisher - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Carlos Pruett - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Jason Spellman - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Lyman Paul - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Robert Dancy - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Ronald Brito - K.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Claude Orr - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Valentine Gamez - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Gary Barnett - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Robert Smith - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Lawrence Wood - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released James Martin - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released James Humphreys - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Donald Flores - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Timothy Boone - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Thomas Yoder - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Michael Phillips - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Curtis Payne - FB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Titus Duckett - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Martin Langford - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Erik Busby - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Gary Rivera - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Arizona Outlaws have released Billy Perea - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released John Jenkins - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Felix Frye - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Connie Ramirez - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Clemente Mendoza - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Gary Lopez - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Robert Cooney - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Michael Black - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released George Bradley - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released John Brewer - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Sean Parker - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Tyler Warren - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Herbert Hamby - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Joe Ross - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Michael Starnes - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Patrick Thompson - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Dale Mcmanus - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Steve Rangel - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Domingo Littlejohn - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Jeffrey Stanfield - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Van Davis - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Barry Love - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Marcelino Monaco - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Michael Schubert - K.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Manuel Levi - P.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Glenn Quick - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Dirk Hornsby - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Terry Perez - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Ulysses Gallagher - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Sam Somerville - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Rafael Crowell - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Jeremiah Ayala - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Chad Dent - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Pasquale Bilodeau - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Michael Purvis - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Timothy Taylor - FB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Steven Batchelor - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Frank Forsythe - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Elmer Castellano - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Thomas Johnson - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Teddy Nunez - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Dennis Smith - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Walter Schreiner - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Diego Gooden - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Lawrence Plummer - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Andrew Valenzuela - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Randy Box - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Jonathan Calloway - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Karl Borders - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Laverne Ralph - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Jerry Carlin - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Martin Smithson - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Albert Falk - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Hector Marcum - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Richard Brewer - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Roy Cutler - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released James Eastman - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Richard Blank - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Ira Ennis - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Terrence Fahey - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Virgil Bilodeau - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released John Vaughan - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released William Contreras - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Hai See - K.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Louis O'Neal - P.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Kelly Hitt - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Columbus Reed - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Nicholas Bishop - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Michael Desantis - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released John Durham - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Isaiah Switzer - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Adam Mcgill - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Stanley Dugas - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Gregory Madrid - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Calvin Kraft - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Anthony Cartwright - FB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Thomas Rankin - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Nestor Benitez - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Eric Jimenez - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Louis Holcomb - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Jay Hacker - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Bradley Wynn - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Alden Bair - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Matthew Saunders - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Aaron Colbert - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Joseph McCloskey - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Jerry Payton - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Martin Denton - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Nicholas Olivarez - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Paul Ho - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Ali Mixon - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Charles Mackay - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Christopher Laughlin - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Lester Holland - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Elbert Sanders - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released George Biggs - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Steven Fisher - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Marquis Cloutier - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released David King - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Richard Watt - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Andrew Dang - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released John Mahaffey - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Thomas Turner - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Stanley Hutchinson - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Clemente Griffin - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Kelly Shepard - K.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released William White - P.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Adam Eaton - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Craig Wray - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Raul Wilson - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Maurice Rhea - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Marcus Devlin - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released George Thomas - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released George Hwang - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Thomas Brown - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Michael Coley - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released King Moore - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Frank Swift - FB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Steve Knox - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Otha Dukes - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Mario Frederick - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Timothy Schofield - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Kevin Henke - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Harris Lovell - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Richie Milligan - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Leon McCormack - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Mark Thompson - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Max Vetter - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Glenn Stinnett - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Joshua Baca - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Billy West - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Brian Ferrell - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Kenneth Parr - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released William Polk - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Ben Sears - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Floyd Ashley - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released John Wilhelm - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Matthew Norris - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Jeremy Hardy - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Paul Kelly - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Jeff Parker - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Jeffery Hewitt - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Thomas Alvarado - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Jeremy Pulliam - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Noah Murray - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Toby Crowe - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Matthew Rupert - P.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Adam McClelland - K.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Stephen Smith - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Vincent Foster - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Curtis Puckett - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Walter Lewis - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Myron Osborne - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Jeremy Gallegos - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released James Lightfoot - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Corey Gant - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Mark Justus - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Erick Ayers - FB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Lowell Choi - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Robert Copeland - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Luis Mcnabb - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Francisco Dickson - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Luigi Herron - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Douglas Jackson - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have released Clarence Reilly - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Alan Savage - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Carlos Meehan - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Jonathan Townsend - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Russell Bunting - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Andres Vest - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Andy Homan - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Reed Garcia - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Robert Lira - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Lonnie Hayden - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Mark Styles - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Antione Driscoll - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Brian Barth - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Joshua Coleman - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Felix McCulloch - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Monte Adams - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Willis Pike - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Donald Hernandez - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Ferdinand Lott - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Tim Cantu - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Daniel Elliott - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released James Spillman - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Gregory Dahl - K.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Robert Woods - P.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Tony Crutchfield - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Clifton Weinberg - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released John Ryan - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Douglas Prince - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Darren Hunter - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Roger Galloway - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Robert Skinner - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Orlando Lee - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Richard Underwood - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Edward Lowell - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Antonio Burr - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Len Perez - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Chet Thomas - FB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released William Randall - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Jerry Deleon - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Jeffrey Roush - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Manuel Hudson - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Colorado Yeti have released Elwood Hamlin - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Donald Hernandez - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Ellis Williams - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Chester Tubbs - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released David Heller - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Kevin Akins - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Richard Turner - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released David Caskey - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Abram Folse - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Paul Hiatt - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Stefan Jackman - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Bryan Adams - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Jeremy Rivera - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Kareem Langdon - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Mark Shin - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Kenneth Parent - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Malcolm Roberson - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Adam Negrete - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Todd Alderman - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Wesley Ritter - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Dalton Roy - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Wayne Mcgraw - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Thomas Ahmed - K.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Fred Woods - P.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Charles Whitt - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Wilber Duncan - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Gregorio O'Connell - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Lloyd Burris - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Christopher Griffith - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Neal Glenn - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Earl Pritchard - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Donald Goodman - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Christopher Barker - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Andrew Romo - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Jorge Hull - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released David Hough - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Humberto Tolbert - FB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Mark Dion - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Larry Smith - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released John Todd - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Louis Medley - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New Orleans Secondline have released Frank Lawrence - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Jeffrey Kahn - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Stephen Hurley - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Arthur Berman - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Dane Adcock - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Foster Miller - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Melvin Morse - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released William Thomas - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Charles Tatum - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Henry Holtz - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Stephen Moll - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Everett Rowe - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Jason Story - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Mark Kimble - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Roy Farrar - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Carlos Cook - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Joe Gray - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Charles Markley - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Dale Breeden - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Michael Bess - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released John Hardy - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Frank Valentin - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Joshua Hamlin - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Gil Kaufman - P.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Elmer Clark - K.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Scott Jackson - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Manuel Beall - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Richard Hunter - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Juan Kennedy - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Donald Abel - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Chris Rigby - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Bradford Jackson - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Russell Whittaker - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Kevin Keller - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Juan Leggett - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Rafael Moorman - FB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Weldon Gustafson - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Thomas Ginn - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Frank Lindley - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Winston Gardiner - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released James Gomez - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The New York Silverbacks have released Gary Vergara - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released George Green - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Kevin Trice - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Arthur Bolling - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Solomon Nunez - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Joseph Rodriguez - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Joshua Lange - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Jospeh Martinez - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Shaun Avery - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Alton Phifer - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released John Haase - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Alvin Smith - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Andrew Biggs - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Jed Green - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Benjamin Freitas - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Otha Brown - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Phillip Guy - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Bernard Garris - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Hipolito Montez - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Michael Smart - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Dave Barry - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Scott Kunkel - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Brad Workman - K.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Ryan Scott - P.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Richard Griffin - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Larry Watson - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Kenneth Carpenter - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Clinton Taylor - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Ryan Bell - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Melvin Peterson - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Frank Sanders - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released David Zielinski - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Bryan Fullerton - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Michael Viera - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Mario Smith - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Brian Sabo - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Bruce Tan - FB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Roger Byrne - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Terry Gilbert - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Edward Smith - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Paul Luce - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Jorge Edwards - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Bradley Mosley - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Daniel Barton - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released John Roush - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Arthur Snyder - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Eugene Perron - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released James Wayne - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Kennith Bagwell - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Bruce Bandy - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Charles Brewer - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released George Slagle - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Curtis Earle - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released James Mixon - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Jose Newby - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Lee Wiggins - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released David Miller - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Robert Pope - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Gerald Wong - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Jeremy Pickering - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Robert Lynn - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released James O'Neil - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Jamie Saucedo - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Anthony Katz - K.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Edmond Walker - P.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Ernest Mckinley - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released David Clayton - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Alan Woodruff - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Stanford Redmond - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Hai Smith - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Rafael Tuck - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Phillip Medley - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Phil Messina - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Jason Pullen - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Garfield Labbe - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Santos Jay - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Joseph McBride - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Jordan Brady - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Justin Davis - FB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Kenneth Martinez - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Christopher Scott - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Nicky Daniel - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Jose Sanchez - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Gerald Gregory - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Manuel Kozak - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Curtis Goodwin - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Harold Mattos - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Ruben Earle - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Jerome Frederick - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Jose Kelso - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Teddy Manzo - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Aaron Ortiz - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released John Ketchum - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Dennis Aiello - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Nathaniel Babin - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Ralph Baker - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Craig Mills - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released George Thomas - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Richard Rowe - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Mark Russo - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Marshall Penn - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Melvin Delong - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Joseph Crawford - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Troy Greathouse - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Charles Fuller - K.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Jeffrey Southard - P.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Thomas Frias - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Jerry South - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Earl Schroeder - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Anthony Benjamin - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released William Collado - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Matthew Wolf - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Larry Bright - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Danny Jackson - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Arthur Richardson - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Johnathan Akers - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Jeremy Brooks - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Clint Jordan - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released John Penn - FB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Randy Frey - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Bradley Hacker - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Andrew White - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Robert Sprague - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Sarasota Sailfish have released Guy Sanchez - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Anthony Walston - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Thomas Meade - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Jeremy Akers - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Alfred Chandler - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Brad Miller - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Brady Mitchell - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Jerrell Proctor - DT.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Juan Schoonover - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Calvin Gable - T.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Richard Partridge - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Samuel Markley - DE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Jerry Badger - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Justin Woodard - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Michael Montez - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Robert Mullins - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Elmer Lehmann - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released James Simmons - SS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Robert Doolittle - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Wilfred Baker - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Brian Nevarez - CB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released David Duong - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Rafael Ayala - FS.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Patrick Sharp - K.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Thomas Wright - P.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released James Harper - C.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Vernon Macias - LB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Joseph Copeland - G.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released William Witt - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Tyson Shepherd - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Edward Vanhoose - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Thomas Gauthier - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Millard Morrell - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Dennis Miller - WR.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Michael Darling - TE.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Darrel Berger - FB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Mathew Marlowe - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Kenneth Rafferty - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Jerry Skelton - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Hugo Yates - RB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Kevin Noll - QB.
Preseason Week 1, 2042: The Yellowknife Wraiths have released Kent Copeland - QB.
Week 6, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Quentin Cccc - SS.
Week 6, 2042: The Berlin Fire Salamanders have released Quentin Aaaa - SS.
Week 11, 2042: The Hawks trade future considerations to the Hahalua for a Hahalua 2043 1st Round Pick.
Week 11, 2042: The Honolulu Hahalua have released Luke Skywalker - QB.
Week 11, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Chika Fujiwara - QB.
Week 11, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Felix Archstone - T.
Week 11, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Tony Yeboah (C) - SS.
Week 11, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released James Lewandowski (C) - TE.
Week 11, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Joshua Campbell - WR.
Week 11, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have released Charlie Adams - G.
Week 11, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have signed Luke Skywalker - QB.
Week 11, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have signed Charlie Adams - C.
Week 11, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have signed Felix Archstone - C.
Week 11, 2042: The Austin Copperheads have signed Tony Yeboah (C) - FS.
Week 11, 2042: The San Jose SaberCats have signed James Lewandowski (C) - TE.
Week 11, 2042: The Chicago Butchers have signed Joshua Campbell - WR.
Week 11, 2042: The Honolulu Hahalua have signed Chika Fujiwara - QB.
Week 11, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have signed Donatello Arrabiata - TE.
Week 11, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released Jeremiah Zelos - SS.
Week 11, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have signed Jeremiah Zelos - FS.
Week 12, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Barry Barry - TE.
Week 14, 2042: The Copperheads trade Griffin Porter to the Hahalua for Holden Summers.
Week 14, 2042: The Copperheads trade Griffin Porter to the Hahalua for Holden Summers.
Week 14, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released L'Carpetron Dookmmarriot - FS.
Week 14, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released L'Carpetron Dookmmarriot - FS.
Week 16, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Donatello Arrabiata - TE.
Week 16, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Donatello Arrabiata - TE.
Week 16, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Donatello Arrabiata - TE.
Week 16, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Donatello Arrabiata - TE.
Week 16, 2042: The Orange County Otters have released Sergio Kitchens - LB.
Week 16, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released L'Carpetron Dookmmarriot - FS.
Week 16, 2042: The Philadelphia Liberty have released L'Carpetron Dookmmarriot - FS.
Week 18, 2042: The Baltimore Hawks have released Donatello Arrabiata - TE.
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